I've been searching a lot of online job in the internet, I spend my time searching. Luckily, someone
introduce it to me. The "BUBBLEWS", it's kinda easy , you can become your own boss in this job,
you can manage your time, and express your feelings or this may serve as your diary for everyday
living. Bubblews had grow all over the globe, and even I interact some of Filipinos here. The good
thing about this website is you enjoy a lot, interacting and writing some articles about your life.
How it works?
1. Posts must consist of original content. Do not submit content that you
did not write yourself. Do not submit previously published materials,
even if they are not protected by copyright law. Do not copy content
from elsewhere and rephrase it. Posting content that you did not write
yourself constitutes plagiarism(copying another work) and will result in the deactivation of
your account
2. You may post your own, original content that you have previously
published elsewhere if you add at least 400 characters of new material.
3. You can use multiple accounts in same ip adress
4. User's must have their own verified paypal account. You cannot share it.
5. You receive money in your Bank for each view, like, and comment on your
6. You can redeem in the bank tab, when you reach $50 or more.
7. You must earn $50 before you can redeem. You cannot redeem more than once every 30 days.
8. Paypal is the only way to receive your redemptions.
This is my first earning since I joined from them.
Join Bubblews now!
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